This virus may have it’s good points. You might have to look hard, but if nothing else…. it is helping me to prioritize and think about important things.
Honoring Our Parents - By Ray Wall
Confessions of A (not so retired) Retired Guy - by Steve Wood
Webster dictionary defines retirement as “ withdrawal from one’s position or occupation or from active working life”.
Retirement was something I planned for and looked forward to when I was active in the corporate work world. My initial response when I retired four years ago was boredom. I had done all the financial planning and had attended several seminars about the emotional side of retirement, but I was really not prepared for the loss of daily contact with colleques and the satisfaction of jobs well done.
Just the Two of Us by Denise Wall
Ray and I have been married for 34 years. It was just the two for us for four years and then for roughly 26 plus years we were raising our children. What wonderful and busy years those were with the kids home. As I look back on our journey together as a couple with kids I am reminded of many date nights, couch time (no it’s not what you think) and weekends or weeks away with just the two of us. I am really grateful for mentor’s, respected marriage coaches, friends/family who took care of our babies who encouraged us to get away and to make our time together a number one priority.