Painted Churches near Shulenburg, Texas.
This virus may have it’s good points. You might have to look hard, but if nothing else…. it is helping me to prioritize and think about important things.
I admit it. I’m the world’s greatest procrastinator. If you are into the enneagram, I am a full-fledged number 9 (or so Denise tells me). That means that my motto is: “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” I know that drives you crazy dealing with people like me, but I’m working through it.
The bright side of this virus for me is that I start doing things that I should be doing simply because I’ve run out of other things to do.
I’ve done more projects than I have in quite a while. I’ve washed mold off crepe myrtles, hung pictures, touch up painting and even done burpees the last few days! We’ve done some fun things that we had put off as well. I had procrastinated every time Denise talked about taking a drive to the Painted Churches near Schulenburg and guess what? It was really a great relaxing time.
I looked and the last time I updated this blog was in September. Wow! I really enjoy this (when I do it). We started it to share our journey and maybe help others, but I put it off way too long.
I’m rediscovering that doing projects, short drives and even blogging gives me a lot more peace than the other things that I was finding to avoid them.
What are your doing to take advantage of this “virus down time”?